Pretty decent game. But lacking a few important things. Namely, a scene with the elf. The fact that the lady with the biggest knockers doest have visible boobs during sex is also a massive disapointment. I'd say it's almost worth the 4$ regardless. Short, fun, and a decent amount of scenes. Just really sucks how their is only one scene per lady.
i ficking love this game so bad, the women are incredible and the art style is absolutely heavenly. I might be fanboying a little, but good god do I never find reason to stop playing even if its just rewatching the scenes with the other tribesmembers
Okay kid, come back to me when you've learned some maturity to realize you don't need a new driver for a 2d pixel game. I have a laptop, I can't change the driver like the rich sugar kid you are
bro you're such a autist you're calling someone kid on a 18+ game comments like do you really think i'm a fucking kid also u can make to 400$ by working in somes shitty mcdonald i'm not a sugar kid i'm just someone who is not dumb as ya that all bro oh and also just dont change your driver i'm saying that because i'm having this driver the fact that you are crying on a driver is crazy just shut up and dont play the game if u dont have the good driver no one care about ya buddy its crazy to know that when you're dad is doing cosplay on ONLY FAN to pay the bills you're insuting ppl online who is dropping fact on your fucked ass
Ngl i changed my mind from my old message dude i read all the messages you sended and you sended a lot of insult for someone who act like a moderator i'm not fine with the idea of being cool to someone who is helping an unfair system i still wont do insult like i did before again but anyways i think your acting to much.
Dude i got it the game is not optimized but still not a reason to hate on it if you cant play it because your pc is shit just dont play it i mean this game was made by a solo dev with probably 0 experience and its really hard to optimize a game based on pixel art.
It's quite a random game, to be honest. You kind of have to figure out what to do by yourself, since it's not really possible to explain everything with a 16x16 grid. The fighting system is horrendous, and extremely finnicky. The dungeons themselves are RNG, which is expected., I wonder why there isn't a way to increase max lives. I mean, the fucking duck takes way too long to kill. Because of that, I just exit and go back until I go the location desired, which is also a tedious process.
The spawnpoint after the minigame with that futa girl is useless. It takes me 15 seconds to just get to the map, for no real reason.
I'm currently at a stage where the girl who's chizeling or whatever asks me to get 3 blue... things? I can not tell what they are, and I have no idea how to get them.
Currently stuck, and yeah, this game does a horrible job with explaining things. Maybe "only using symbols cause quirk" is more of a gimmick than a cool feature.
Animations are alright, low res, but good quality. You should be able to just exit them whenever though. The CG's in the dungeons are not high res enough, and they leave a lot to the imagination, and not in the best way. They also take too long to play out.
gameplay is very very tight, the window to doage is very small. just have to learn the timing.
you cant increase your health but you can by health potions. you can heal between every fight. sell items you get from beating foes, then you can buy potions, so after youve beaten a few or so, the games gets alot easier.
and, well, therse not much to the game after you become leader. its kinda just over at that point. some side stuff to do i think but not much. game is a bit overpriced for what it is. even at the 4 dollar sale
It's a rather simple but neat game (honestly not really worth the full price), but I think one interesting addition would be an addition to "dickgirl leader wins" ending, with rather than having a simple defeat screen, it'd be a full-blown bad-end where she turns the protagonist into a girl and knocks him up.
Also maybe a futa mode, if that's not too hard? Just a suggestion.
Maybe it's just me, but I can't beat the dummy, so I'm soft locked. I figured out how to dodge, but apparently I'm dodging just too early?? So what, it has to be perfect in order to continue with the game?? Nah, I'm good, I'll just do something else
Love the competition against the leader, my favorite part of the whole game, I keep revisiting it often. Wish the different tribeswomen would keep their costume customization on for it though. Anyone have any similar recommendations?
They are all related with the sheep people. Based on how they lay down, they will have different animations. You need to keep visiting them until you have discovered all three poses that can happen.
Do you mean this character?To unlock her scene you need to give her 3 slime and 3 goose feathers at the same time you get them by defeating slimes and gooses... so just go to her when you have at least 3 slime and 3 feathers in your inventory and the scene should unlock.
Not that character, these two characters on either side of the throne. It always shows the penis sign and doesn't allow me to get on the throne. I saw that its supposed to be from sitting on the throne for a while, but I can't seem to sit on the throne.
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i need help my game close when the opening its ended or skiped
Is there an explanation for the combat system? I'm not quite understanding what to do from the half-assed tutorial.
EDIT: I managed to figure it out, but it would have been nice if it told me that using the arrow keys was an option.
Pretty decent game. But lacking a few important things. Namely, a scene with the elf. The fact that the lady with the biggest knockers doest have visible boobs during sex is also a massive disapointment. I'd say it's almost worth the 4$ regardless. Short, fun, and a decent amount of scenes. Just really sucks how their is only one scene per lady.
bought and playimg it through 'bottles', but it is duplicating graphics, any advice?
My keyboard doesn't have the arrow keys to move, how do I change the keybinding?
Any new update? Where is Zak, dude gave us something and gone. Does anyone know his discord server or anything any mode of communication?
i ficking love this game so bad, the women are incredible and the art style is absolutely heavenly. I might be fanboying a little, but good god do I never find reason to stop playing even if its just rewatching the scenes with the other tribesmembers
update soon ?
finally beat it, combat took a bit to learn, okay game. could use a could improvements.
emphasis on "beat it"
any updates soon ?
Hey brother, will you bring the mobile version?
This game is impossible to open due to needing a higher Vulkan drive, for a pixel game. Not worth it.
you're a clown dude you're crying just because you dont have a driver good enough to play this game that crazy
Okay kid, come back to me when you've learned some maturity to realize you don't need a new driver for a 2d pixel game. I have a laptop, I can't change the driver like the rich sugar kid you are
bro you're such a autist you're calling someone kid on a 18+ game comments like do you really think i'm a fucking kid also u can make to 400$ by working in somes shitty mcdonald i'm not a sugar kid i'm just someone who is not dumb as ya that all bro oh and also just dont change your driver i'm saying that because i'm having this driver the fact that you are crying on a driver is crazy just shut up and dont play the game if u dont have the good driver no one care about ya buddy its crazy to know that when you're dad is doing cosplay on ONLY FAN to pay the bills you're insuting ppl online who is dropping fact on your fucked ass
Go touch grass reddit boy
Ngl i changed my mind from my old message dude i read all the messages you sended and you sended a lot of insult for someone who act like a moderator i'm not fine with the idea of being cool to someone who is helping an unfair system i still wont do insult like i did before again but anyways i think your acting to much.
Look, Noita runs on a potato, a well-optimized 3D game like Planet Crafter on a Notebook. This game here is *not* optimized.
Dude i got it the game is not optimized but still not a reason to hate on it if you cant play it because your pc is shit just dont play it i mean this game was made by a solo dev with probably 0 experience and its really hard to optimize a game based on pixel art.
just create a batch file with the command "Life with the tribe (v.1.00) .exe" --rendering-driver opengl3
Lanzaras una version android???
Android versión?
will this end up on steam?
steam plsss
its meh dont buy it
Will this game Steam or no
love this game hope there are more to come in the same style, maybe with furrys ?
Tedious and horrible explined, dont buy only if you love pixelart.
It's quite a random game, to be honest. You kind of have to figure out what to do by yourself, since it's not really possible to explain everything with a 16x16 grid. The fighting system is horrendous, and extremely finnicky. The dungeons themselves are RNG, which is expected., I wonder why there isn't a way to increase max lives. I mean, the fucking duck takes way too long to kill. Because of that, I just exit and go back until I go the location desired, which is also a tedious process.
The spawnpoint after the minigame with that futa girl is useless. It takes me 15 seconds to just get to the map, for no real reason.
I'm currently at a stage where the girl who's chizeling or whatever asks me to get 3 blue... things? I can not tell what they are, and I have no idea how to get them.
Currently stuck, and yeah, this game does a horrible job with explaining things. Maybe "only using symbols cause quirk" is more of a gimmick than a cool feature.
Animations are alright, low res, but good quality. You should be able to just exit them whenever though. The CG's in the dungeons are not high res enough, and they leave a lot to the imagination, and not in the best way. They also take too long to play out.
Gameplay - 2/5
Graphics - 4/5
Animations - 3/5
idk what the blue things are, but if you shear the sheeps a coluple of times and go to her she'll accept the wool
gameplay is very very tight, the window to doage is very small. just have to learn the timing.
you cant increase your health but you can by health potions. you can heal between every fight. sell items you get from beating foes, then you can buy potions, so after youve beaten a few or so, the games gets alot easier.
and, well, therse not much to the game after you become leader. its kinda just over at that point. some side stuff to do i think but not much. game is a bit overpriced for what it is. even at the 4 dollar sale
i would suggest this game to be ported on steam.
Nice i guess. It be better if it was futa. The whole boy taking the tribe over meh. 6.5/10
no it wouldn't be lmao,, optional sure permanent nope meh
It's a rather simple but neat game (honestly not really worth the full price), but I think one interesting addition would be an addition to "dickgirl leader wins" ending, with rather than having a simple defeat screen, it'd be a full-blown bad-end where she turns the protagonist into a girl and knocks him up.
Also maybe a futa mode, if that's not too hard? Just a suggestion.
any updates?
Maybe it's just me, but I can't beat the dummy, so I'm soft locked. I figured out how to dodge, but apparently I'm dodging just too early?? So what, it has to be perfect in order to continue with the game?? Nah, I'm good, I'll just do something else
You seem to be like me in the sense that we pick up and play. the trick is to hit it a little after the "!" flashes .
why the hell do porn game makers not make the games one handed
Sacaras una version para android????
Love the competition against the leader, my favorite part of the whole game, I keep revisiting it often. Wish the different tribeswomen would keep their costume customization on for it though. Anyone have any similar recommendations?
Please make a mobile version😭🙏🏻
Is the mobile compatible?
How can i play this on phone? Android apk?
I cant play it. It keeps launching bigger then my screen and i cant click settings to fix it
Same here
Where is the save data located?
Hey, I'm done with the game but i have a question: where can I find the 2 missing scenes in the screenshot?
They are all related with the sheep people. Based on how they lay down, they will have different animations. You need to keep visiting them until you have discovered all three poses that can happen.
Oh, I see... thank you very much. :)
I've been trying to get the scene with the guardswomen for a while, How do you get their scenes?
Do you mean this character? To unlock her scene you need to give her 3 slime and 3 goose feathers at the same time you get them by defeating slimes and gooses... so just go to her when you have at least 3 slime and 3 feathers in your inventory and the scene should unlock.
there is a table near the exit to your bedroom where you can take off your loin cloth
Sacaras una version para android???
when is it coming on steam?
I also wanted to know
Is it possible to import it on android?. Look's like a good game to play and feel's like it can work on mobile as well