It's quite a random game, to be honest. You kind of have to figure out what to do by yourself, since it's not really possible to explain everything with a 16x16 grid. The fighting system is horrendous, and extremely finnicky. The dungeons themselves are RNG, which is expected., I wonder why there isn't a way to increase max lives. I mean, the fucking duck takes way too long to kill. Because of that, I just exit and go back until I go the location desired, which is also a tedious process.
The spawnpoint after the minigame with that futa girl is useless. It takes me 15 seconds to just get to the map, for no real reason.
I'm currently at a stage where the girl who's chizeling or whatever asks me to get 3 blue... things? I can not tell what they are, and I have no idea how to get them.
Currently stuck, and yeah, this game does a horrible job with explaining things. Maybe "only using symbols cause quirk" is more of a gimmick than a cool feature.
Animations are alright, low res, but good quality. You should be able to just exit them whenever though. The CG's in the dungeons are not high res enough, and they leave a lot to the imagination, and not in the best way. They also take too long to play out.
gameplay is very very tight, the window to doage is very small. just have to learn the timing.
you cant increase your health but you can by health potions. you can heal between every fight. sell items you get from beating foes, then you can buy potions, so after youve beaten a few or so, the games gets alot easier.
and, well, therse not much to the game after you become leader. its kinda just over at that point. some side stuff to do i think but not much. game is a bit overpriced for what it is. even at the 4 dollar sale
It's a rather simple but neat game (honestly not really worth the full price), but I think one interesting addition would be an addition to "dickgirl leader wins" ending, with rather than having a simple defeat screen, it'd be a full-blown bad-end where she turns the protagonist into a girl and knocks him up.
Also maybe a futa mode, if that's not too hard? Just a suggestion.
Maybe it's just me, but I can't beat the dummy, so I'm soft locked. I figured out how to dodge, but apparently I'm dodging just too early?? So what, it has to be perfect in order to continue with the game?? Nah, I'm good, I'll just do something else
Love the competition against the leader, my favorite part of the whole game, I keep revisiting it often. Wish the different tribeswomen would keep their costume customization on for it though. Anyone have any similar recommendations?
They are all related with the sheep people. Based on how they lay down, they will have different animations. You need to keep visiting them until you have discovered all three poses that can happen.
Do you mean this character?To unlock her scene you need to give her 3 slime and 3 goose feathers at the same time you get them by defeating slimes and gooses... so just go to her when you have at least 3 slime and 3 feathers in your inventory and the scene should unlock.
Not that character, these two characters on either side of the throne. It always shows the penis sign and doesn't allow me to get on the throne. I saw that its supposed to be from sitting on the throne for a while, but I can't seem to sit on the throne.
Pretty good game in general, although I wouldn't buy it for full price given how small the amount of content is. Buy when on a 50% sale. Only 4 enemy types which all follow the same attack pattern. Art is great throughout although there's only a few detailed images. Combat timing is weirdly slow. Can't find a way to get back to the main menu without alt-F4
Hello! This is probably one of my favorite 18+ game to play. Its simplicity and fantastic animations keep bringing me back to play it again. It provides a good challenge without being too grindy. The only thing that this game lacks is very much content. The entire game can be finished in an hour or two if you know what you are doing. If it is going to be worth the price-tag of $8 then I would expect more out of it. If the author could add some updates here and there that would be great! Otherwise, love the game.
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steam plsss
its meh dont buy it
Will this game Steam or no
love this game hope there are more to come in the same style, maybe with furrys ?
Tedious and horrible explined, dont buy only if you love pixelart.
It's quite a random game, to be honest. You kind of have to figure out what to do by yourself, since it's not really possible to explain everything with a 16x16 grid. The fighting system is horrendous, and extremely finnicky. The dungeons themselves are RNG, which is expected., I wonder why there isn't a way to increase max lives. I mean, the fucking duck takes way too long to kill. Because of that, I just exit and go back until I go the location desired, which is also a tedious process.
The spawnpoint after the minigame with that futa girl is useless. It takes me 15 seconds to just get to the map, for no real reason.
I'm currently at a stage where the girl who's chizeling or whatever asks me to get 3 blue... things? I can not tell what they are, and I have no idea how to get them.
Currently stuck, and yeah, this game does a horrible job with explaining things. Maybe "only using symbols cause quirk" is more of a gimmick than a cool feature.
Animations are alright, low res, but good quality. You should be able to just exit them whenever though. The CG's in the dungeons are not high res enough, and they leave a lot to the imagination, and not in the best way. They also take too long to play out.
Gameplay - 2/5
Graphics - 4/5
Animations - 3/5
idk what the blue things are, but if you shear the sheeps a coluple of times and go to her she'll accept the wool
gameplay is very very tight, the window to doage is very small. just have to learn the timing.
you cant increase your health but you can by health potions. you can heal between every fight. sell items you get from beating foes, then you can buy potions, so after youve beaten a few or so, the games gets alot easier.
and, well, therse not much to the game after you become leader. its kinda just over at that point. some side stuff to do i think but not much. game is a bit overpriced for what it is. even at the 4 dollar sale
i would suggest this game to be ported on steam.
Nice i guess. It be better if it was futa. The whole boy taking the tribe over meh. 6.5/10
no it wouldn't be lmao,, optional sure permanent nope meh
It's a rather simple but neat game (honestly not really worth the full price), but I think one interesting addition would be an addition to "dickgirl leader wins" ending, with rather than having a simple defeat screen, it'd be a full-blown bad-end where she turns the protagonist into a girl and knocks him up.
Also maybe a futa mode, if that's not too hard? Just a suggestion.
any updates?
Maybe it's just me, but I can't beat the dummy, so I'm soft locked. I figured out how to dodge, but apparently I'm dodging just too early?? So what, it has to be perfect in order to continue with the game?? Nah, I'm good, I'll just do something else
You seem to be like me in the sense that we pick up and play. the trick is to hit it a little after the "!" flashes .
why the hell do porn game makers not make the games one handed
Sacaras una version para android????
Love the competition against the leader, my favorite part of the whole game, I keep revisiting it often. Wish the different tribeswomen would keep their costume customization on for it though. Anyone have any similar recommendations?
Please make a mobile version😭🙏🏻
Is the mobile compatible?
How can i play this on phone? Android apk?
I cant play it. It keeps launching bigger then my screen and i cant click settings to fix it
Same here
Where is the save data located?
Hey, I'm done with the game but i have a question: where can I find the 2 missing scenes in the screenshot?
They are all related with the sheep people. Based on how they lay down, they will have different animations. You need to keep visiting them until you have discovered all three poses that can happen.
Oh, I see... thank you very much. :)
I've been trying to get the scene with the guardswomen for a while, How do you get their scenes?
Do you mean this character? To unlock her scene you need to give her 3 slime and 3 goose feathers at the same time you get them by defeating slimes and gooses... so just go to her when you have at least 3 slime and 3 feathers in your inventory and the scene should unlock.
there is a table near the exit to your bedroom where you can take off your loin cloth
Sacaras una version para android???
when is it coming on steam?
I also wanted to know
Is it possible to import it on android?. Look's like a good game to play and feel's like it can work on mobile as well
how long is the demo? is it just the village or a bit more?
How old is the main character?
over 1000 years old, he is ancient, he knows all things
So why didn't he know his plane would crash?
maybe he knew, maybe he didn't; such are the mysteries of life....
how do you tell if you's actually done anything during a fight, because I'm still stuck in the village and can't leave.
the read me file says you doge with the arrows
Release on steam
Pretty good game in general, although I wouldn't buy it for full price given how small the amount of content is. Buy when on a 50% sale. Only 4 enemy types which all follow the same attack pattern. Art is great throughout although there's only a few detailed images. Combat timing is weirdly slow.
Can't find a way to get back to the main menu without alt-F4
Expected much more content. Unlocking the last couple things is grindy
Hello! This is probably one of my favorite 18+ game to play. Its simplicity and fantastic animations keep bringing me back to play it again. It provides a good challenge without being too grindy. The only thing that this game lacks is very much content. The entire game can be finished in an hour or two if you know what you are doing. If it is going to be worth the price-tag of $8 then I would expect more out of it. If the author could add some updates here and there that would be great! Otherwise, love the game.
Cool game, I'll wait for Android 😅, but to be honest I would really play on the phone, there are so few quality games in it
really cool game, looking forward to more content !! (also, music is 🔥🔥)
right the music makes it feels tribal man
whenever i launch the game i cant move my mouse
Is there anything else that can be done with the wool from the sheep other than selling it?
what is this

The items you get from defeating slimes and geese.
Any plans for a Steam release?