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Amazing game. PLZ WASD... AD? support!

does this game have a walkthrough. I started playing it and have NO idea what to do once you exit the hut

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Go left, talk with this girl, she tells you, you can't defend yourself and you should learn the combat.

Then go through the crack here

And walk to the right until you see this girl. By interacting with her, you start combat.

After you hit her, she retaliates. You have to time your dodge and conserve enough stamina to be able to dodge.

The timing window is extremely short and you have to dodge the attack animation, which happens almost instantly after the Warning disappears. Finding out the perfect timing is difficult. Beat her, and you can again talk to the woman left of your house and start exploring.

After you talk to her, she allows you through and you can choose the 4 stages. Talking to the other girls telly you what they want from you in order to have sex with you.

how do I craft the hat for the girl near vending

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First off: I love this game so hard! I wish there was more, especially pregnancy related stuff, but oh well;

Found an issue:

The "bunny" girl sprite glitches when combining: Pregnancy and pastries.


cuando lo pasaras para jugarlo en android??????


This looks awesome can it be available for Android?


Any chance this game will be available in mobile

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i just beat the girl who is tied up and have no clue as where else to go

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where i can find feathers

and what i can do with key

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in paid version you get feathers in zone 3 after beating some goose, sell it 


A quand sur andoid et autre ?


Would you ever consider porting this to mac?

why no 64 bits executable?

Tengo una pregunta ya he hecho las tres primeras misiones que hago ahora nose que hacer


could u import this into mac?


How do you save? I want to view the gallery, but I can't find a way to save or return to the main menu

there isnt really a way to save but there is an autosave or something cuz I never really lost data when closing the game, however you still have to close the game and reopen it to look at the gallery 

how do I get grey and tan fish?

Go to the first level and fish where you bring the cloth to



how do I save?  I think IO beat everything


Will this ever come to mobile?


is there futa or no?

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how do you fight the tied up chick bro

you use arrow keys to dodge the attack

no se que hacer, ya acomplete los primeros pasos, pero como desbloqueo mas cosas? en la tienda solo queda una llave y el frasco de salud

how do i play it with wasd

you play with the directional arrow keys and Z key, press tab to look at your inventory

i do not have arrow keys since i am rocking a 60% keyboard


well, if you got a Xbox controller see if that works cuz it weirdly worked for me one day, lemme see if it does 


yea it works with a Xbox controller, use the directional buttons to move around, use A for most Z actions and B to exit some stuff but not the game


Mr.Dev since i dont have paypal,is this game goin to be release in Steam platform or nah

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honestly, the dev is busy with life from what I've seen on social so please be patient with them, there is another game called my forest life that they were working with someone to make it pretty big I think there might be a wishlist for it on steam (I may be wrong and dreamed it up) and they said that to release Life with tribe on steam that they would have to age up the MC, so they would probably have to redo alot


Excellent game! 

- Fantastic graphics and animations

- No hand holding intuitive design

- Creative H-scenes + mini-games

- Support this creator!


- I can't access the menu after starting the game. Would be nice to exit the game quickly when needed.

- I don't know if there is a way to restore health at the village. I tried sleeping but that didn't work, would be a nice feature

- Enemies should have health bars in combat. 

I see a lot of comments saying the combat sucks but all you have to do is wait for the warning sign to flash 4 times then you dodge. Once you get that, the combat makes sense.

Anyway, thanks for the great game :)


to replenish your health you buy the potions at the shop, you can also get some from chests when you are outside but you need a key to open the chest

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good good

edit: you gona post other games here?

Needs to be tagged Erotic, among other things.

FIX THE COMBAT. FUCKING HELL. otherwise nice art/game :)


I don't know if it's just me but these combat mechanics are awful. I've tries the headbutt girl in the village 5 times and every time, I move out of the way and keep me finger on the direction button, I just move back and get hit anyway.


it's a timing thing, once you get use to it, its all good

when do we have to hit her  , im not getting it, please help.

to hit her you press Z, but when you get the warning(!) sign you have a few seconds to dodge (either left or right with the arrow keys) but you must time it right that her head butt still doesnt hit you when she shifts back (cuz you dodged her), she and one other enemy have alot of health so you have time to hit her twice if you time it right but don't get greedy and hit her three time cuz then you cant dodge, you have a stamina bar so keep an eye on it cuz if you run out you cant dodge, you use the same bar for hits

the resolution is messed up for me is there anyway to fix it?


I wanna play this game on Mobile but T0T it's not supported

Why when I start the game, it's always show black screens?

When will it be updated in the future?

What do I have to do for the woman with two guards?

you have to get 3 coins to give to her, you get the coins by completing the tasks the other girls give you

To continue the game only in the full version? In the demo I didn't earn any coins from doing the missions

then yea in the full game, it kinda makes sense since when you give her the three coins its near "endgame"

thank you very much friend.

I brought this game and downloaded game on my laptop asus but it wont open and just only appeared a white screen then shutdown it. Any problem why it is

What do you do after freeing the tied up woman?

for some reason when i open the the game it only shows a black screen


I got this far now what???


take it to the river, the first box when you start to travel and hand it over to her, remember to take it back!


once you can leave the village, there are different areas, the river you need to go to is the first area, hand the basket over and leave the area once you finish the h scene, back in the village the twin tails girl will ask you to bring it back, so return to the same area and get the basket and return

how do u get out the village?

you have to fight the tied up chick and win, you can find her in the village when you go past the merchant, then the lady blocking the way out will move 

what to do after that?

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you can explore, the same guard has a quest to that unlocks a H scene, you need three slime balls and three feather that you get from defending the enemys outside, you can find the sheep gals and shear them if you got the shear or you can fight the druid and free the gal there (warning the druid is hard so don't mind if you lose a few times) or you can gather the clothes and talk to the girl who asks you to get them and take it to the river, return to village and girl who was sleeping is awake and she asks you to get the basket back, you can talk to the Fisher gal and she asks you to get one of each fish so the first two areas are fishing spots and just keep fishing till you got 4 different kinds, the girl by the pot in the village asks you to gather 3 flowers and you can find those easy


Would it be on android ?

Look, I don't usually write comments, but. I really want you to continue this game and bring it to the final version)


The game is good, i like the mechanics, the style, the simplicity of quests, basically almost everything
but its too short, you can finish it in one sessions
the demo is 1/3rds maybe 1/4ths of the whole game
12 npc's, 2 have multiple scenes, 1 has 2, 1 has 4, not counting where you masturbate 
its a shame the game is finished cause id really have liked an expansion of whats there
multiple scenes, like a threesome with the clothing ladies
or an actual harem scene rather than an image
more than two scenes on the throne wouldve been awsome

all in all id say the game is very good, but not worth 8 bucks with how little you get
but its worth playing if you get it on discount
i enjoyed it the whole time, which unfortunately just isnt a long time

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